The qualitative results of the training on Motivational Interviewing skills received by patients with obesity were presented as an oral communication at the National Meeting on Motivational Interviewing (V Forum Getem, October 2021).

Anastasiadou, D., Spanlang, B., Slater, M., Vázquez-De Sebastián, J., Ramos-Quiroga, J.A., Parramon Puig, G., Ciudin, A., Comas, M., & Lusilla-Palacios, P. (2021, October 1-2). Talking to yourself to improve your health habits: The experiment with ConVRself [Conversando con uno mismo para mejorar tus hábitos de salud: El experimento con ConVRself] [Paper Presentation]. V Forum GETEM, Zaragoza, Spain.