VHIR partner from the SOCRATES consortium was invited last week to the Mental Health Innovation Day organized by TECSAM. The main objective of this event was to gather Catalan researchers dedicated to the field of innovation and technology and Mental Health. More precisely, on the one hand, this event has gathered the most relevant investigation groups on the topic to spread the main findings developed this year, and on the other, it has also been a meeting point among all stakeholders from the mental health and innovation sector.
There, the VHIR team participated in the showcase that took place between 11:30 to 13:30. This allowed the research groups to promote and present their projects to the public and stakeholders through live demonstrations where attendees could interact with the products.

According to the VHIR researchers, this was a very fruitful event in which different stakeholders and multiple Research investigators had the opportunity to try ConVRself out and engage in enriching discussions about the project.